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CPD Categories

Code CPD Categories Points Max per Activity Max per year
1 Attendance of a professional association meetings, council or committee meetings; involvements in proffessional asocialtion activities e.g. medical camps and community projects. 1 1 6
2 Presentation/Facilitation of a lecture at a scientific meeting or the lay public 2 2 10
3 Attendance or participation at a workshop, seminar, conference and annual scientific congress or symposium 5 15 20
4 Presentation/Facilitation of a lecture during a workshop,seminar,conference,symposium and congress (Local) 4 4 24
5 Presentation/Facilitation of a lecture during a workshop,seminar,conference,symposium and congress (International) 8 8 24
6 Attendance of continous professional development presentations 1 1 10
7 Preceptorship and supervision of trainees 5 5 10
8 Self-directed learning 5 5 10
9 Developing education, training or professional materials or other related materials for practitioners 3 3 12
10 Research and publication of paper or article in ascientific journal or a current book 10 10 20
11 Peer reviewing of a scientific paper or a book 5 5 10
12 Peer review of conference paper research protocols and publications. 2 2 10
13 Upon successfull completion of relevant and recognized post-graduate diploma, Professional Fellowship, Masters and PhD degrees 40 40 40
14 Upon successfull completion of relevant and recognized under-graduate degree, diploma and certificate courses taking six months or more 40 40 40
15 Student attending a relevant and recognized Post-graduate degree, professional fellowship, undergraduate degree, diploma and certificate courses taking six months or more 40 40 40
16 Short course/refresher courses taking one to six months 10 10 30
17 On-the-Job Training (OJT) of not less than 40 hours of professional hands-on training that consist of assesment of the outcome 5 5 10
18 Committee Members of PSK,KPA or any other recognized professional association at an executive levle or branch level 3 3 3
19 Ad hoc committee member os PSK,KPA or any other recognized professional association at an executive committee level 2 2 2
20 Members of editorial boards for Pharmaceutical/Scientific Journals 1 1 1
21 Pre-registration/pre-enrollment assesment examiners for pharmaceutical technologist,pharmacists nad pharmaceutical specialist 5 5 5
22 Other board activities e.g. evaluation of clinical trials, EDC 5 5 5
23 Payment of Annual PSK Membership 5 5 5