HOME > GREEN CROSS > Requirements



The Green Cross represents a network of accredited pharmacists providing quality client care and pharmacy services.

  1. Membership to the Green Cross Accreditation is conditional of the following;
    1. The Registered PPB Pharmacist-in-charge and Pharmacists-on-shift must be registered members of PSK.
    2. The pharmacy must have an up-to-date License of Registration with the PB.
    3. A Registered PPB Pharmacist must be on site 75% of the time but reachable by phone at all working hours.  A registered PPB Pharmaceutical Technologist may  be available for clients the remainder of the time.
    4. Green Cross membership fees are fully paid.
    5. Must pass Green Cross accreditation assessment.
  2. Green Cross Membership fees are;
    1. Payable to the Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya.
    2. 12,000KES for accreditation assessment and balance of 2014 and 2015. Expires on 31st December 2015.
    3. 12,000KES annually to be paid by the 1st January each year.
    4. 2,000KES for accreditation re-assessment in the case of;
      1. Initial assessment failure.
      2. Changes in application details (listed below).
  3. Changes in application details will be governed by the below;
    1. Changes in application details must be advised in writing, with all supporting documentation by the Pharmacist-in-charge of the facility within 30 days.
    2. PSK will acknowledge receipt of changes and whether approval of changes are granted, additional information is required or new accreditation assessment is needed, within 14 days.
    3. Changes in application details which will require a new accreditation assessment include;
      1. Change in the nature of the business (eg. No longer providing pharmacy services).
      2. Change in registered premise location.
      3. If there is no longer a PSK and PPB Registered Pharmacist-in-charge of the pharmacy.
    4. Changes in application details which will now require new accreditation assessment include;
      1. Change in ownership.
      2. Change of Pharmacist-in-charge
      3. Change of Pharmacist-on-shift
  4. Green Cross Accreditation will be revoked if;
    1. A PSK and PPB Registered Pharmacist is not found on duty on at least 3 occasions.
    2. The pharmacy does not have an up-to-date License of Registration for the Pharmacy from PPB.
    3. Registration fees are not paid for by 28th February following membership expiry.
    4. Revocation of Green Cross status will be advised in writing by PSK. The result of revocation requires;
      1. Pharmacist-in-charge to acknowledge revocation communication within 5 working days.
      2. Removal of Green Cross branded signage and communication materials within 15 days of receiving written notice.

**Failure to remove signage within timeframe will result in revocation of the Green Cross Accreditation.

  1. The steps in application for Green Cross network membership include;
    1. Lodge application form with all supporting documentation.
    2. Pay 12,000KES fee for accreditation assessment and membership.
    3. Accreditation assessment carried out by PSK within 14 days. 
    4. Pharmacist-in-charge advised within 5 working days on success of application.