Branches in Kenya

Our Vision
We believe that all
Kenyan’s pharmacists can come
together to help solve problems
Established in 1964, PSK has its roots in the Pharmaceutical Society of East Africa, which was registered in 1950. Since its formation, PSK continues to promote a common standard for professional conduct and code of ethics for its members, as well as advocate the welfare Pharmacists. Our vision is to empower our members and promote professionalism and ethics.

Our Mission
Our mission in the
Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya
Is to empower our members and promote professionalism and ethics.

Pharmacy practice
To advance the practice of Pharmacy.

Quality control
To foster a high standard of control over the quality and distribution of medicines and other pharmaceutical products.

Professional ethics
To create and maintain a standard for professional conduct and code ethics.

Pharmacy Advocacy
To promote the role of Pharmacists as integral members of the healthcare team to ensure rational drug use.

PSK employs all-inclusive approaches in pursuit of its goals. Devoted to the provision of effective and efficient healthcare services, PSK lays great emphasis on professionalism and adherence to the code of ethics as well as to pharmacy and other relevant laws. PSK also advocates for, encourages and participates in the:
- Formulation of appropriate, and review of, existing pharmaceutical policies
- Implementation of pharmaceutical policies through appropriate review of existing pharmacy regulations and laws with the aim of protecting public interest.
Pharmacists play a vital role in fostering the provision of holistic quality health care. PSK helps its members achieve this through providing opportunities for life-long learning and participation in a range of health promoting programs as well as national and international conferences. Remaining relevant to the professional needs of the ever-changing profession of Pharmacy is paramount to meeting the health needs of the public. PSK members keep themselves up-to date with changes in Pharmacy practice through the Society’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme and the Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya published by the PSK.
Our Partners
We collaborate with partners worldwide