PSK Membership Benefits
The organization was introduced in 1964, PSK has its roots in the Pharmaceutical Society of East Africa, which was registered in 1950.
Why you should join our awesome team

Professional Development
PSK offers you avenues that facilitate Continuous Professional Development such as lectures, courses, workshops, seminars, symposiums and conferences that involve both local and international participants. This enables you to get the latest industry innovations, research and trends in the pharmacy profession. CPD points are awarded in these avenues which enable you to meet the necessary threshold for your annual retention by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board.

Access to association membership & participation rights in events and activities of international organizations where PSK is a member (FiP).

PSK as a professional body has the mandate to bring out professional interests effectively to allied health professionals, government, media, and any other organization through its collective body. This gives you an advantage to be able to voice your opinion and be heard through the strength in numbers.

PSK organizes Corporate Social Responsibility programmes in partnership with other stakeholders such as Medical Camps, Medication Related Talks and World Pharmacists Day celebrations. This gives you an opportunity to give back to your community.

Acceptance as a member of a national professional body such as PSK lends credibility to an individual Pharmacist.

Publishing Services
PSK through the Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya you have an opportunity to be peer reviewed and published. This goes a long way in building individual achievements, initiating you to the world of scientific publications and building your resume.

PSK provides arenas for mentorship such as conferences, chat groups, discussion boards affiliated to PSK. Mentorship, Networking & Welfare opportunities in career development and leadership are offered through PSK National and Branch activities.

PSK enables timely distribution of information relevant to the profession, especially those affecting pharmacy practice. This enables you to make prudent decisions in your practice and career.